Corruption prevention is detection and elimination of the causes and conditions of corruption through the development and implementation of a system of appropriate measures as well as deterrence of persons from the commission of crimes of corruption.
The purpose of corruption prevention is to minimize, as much as possible, its crippling effect on economy, democracy, promotion of social welfare, consolidating national security and improving the quality of provision of public services.
The main tasks of corruption prevention:
1. Disclosure and elimination of contributing factors and conditions of corruption;
2. Deterrence of persons from the commission of corruption offences;
3. Securing a workable and effective legal regulation of corruption prevention;
4. Setting up of an adequate and effective mechanism of organisation, implementation, oversight and control of corruption prevention through legal, institutional, economic and social measures;
5. Involvement of the public and civil society organisations in corruption prevention;
6. Promotion of transparent and open provision of public services.
The tasks of corruption prevention are addressed by implementation of corruption prevention measures.
Corruption prevention measures:
1. Corruption risk analysis;
2. Anti-corruption programmes;
3. Anti-corruption assessment of legal acts or their drafts;
4. Provision of the information about a person seeking or holding office at a state or municipal agency;
5. Provision of the information to the registers of public servants and legal entities;
6. Education and awareness raising of the public;
7. Public disclosure of detected instances of corruption;
8. Other measures of corruption prevention provided for by law.