This cooperation is an integral part of the foreign policy of developed countries, which seeks to promote peace, promote economic growth and social stability in the world, reduce disparities between developed and developing countries and integrate developing countries into the world economy. The fight against poverty, support for human rights, gender equality, democracy, rule of law and good governance are an integral part of this policy.
The transfer of Lithuania\'s experience in the transition into a democratic state and market economy is the key priority of bilateral development cooperation with partner countries and the strength of Lithuania as a donor. Lithuania seeks to effectively share its reform experience with EU Eastern Partnership countries, as well as disseminate it in other regions undergoing transformation. Lithuania has deep understanding of political systems in the Eastern Partnership countries as well as their economic, social, and cultural characteristics as well as specific issues. With the increasing donor experience, Lithuania can better assess the needs of these countries and more effectively use its own comparative advantage over other donor countries. An important role in development cooperation activities lies with the Lithuanian diplomatic missions accredited in partner countries as they manage their own assistance projects and help to improve aid effectiveness.
The priority geographical areas of Lithuania's development cooperation are Eastern Partnership countries as well as countries of migration origin and transit.
More information on development cooperation can be found here.